Links are provided to Web-Grognards and GMT for reviews, errata and other information.

gmtz3d.gif (1226 bytes) GMT
gmtgbadt.gif (6309 bytes) Alexander: Delux Edition: The Macedonian art of war (338-362 BC),  Ten battles of Alexander the Great.

gmtz3d.gif (1372 bytes)     groglogo.gif (268 bytes)      adc.gif (973 bytes)      VASSAL

gmtgbspqr.gif (6309 bytes) SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus, The Art of War in the Roman Republic.  The battles from the end of the Macedonian era through the heyday of the Republic, prior to the changes in the army.

gmtz3d.gif (1372 bytes)     groglogo.gif (268 bytes)      cb.gif (974 bytes)      adc.gif (973 bytes)      VASSAL

gmtgbcat.gif (5585 bytes) Caesar: Conquest of Gaul: In 58 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar was appointed by the Roman Senate as proconsul for Gaul. After coming to the rescue of the Gauls against incursions from Germanic tribes to the east, Caesar himself decided to bring the rest of the barbarian tribes under the domain of Republican Rome.

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gmtgbcat.gif (5585 bytes) The Siege of Alesia: Gaul, 52 BC, Caesar besieging Vercingetorix's Gauls, and the Gallic relief force attacking Caesar.

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gmtgbcat.gif (5585 bytes) Caesar: The Civil Wars: The Roman Civil Wars (48 - 45 BC),  Caius Julius Caesar vs. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.

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gmtcaju.gif (6007 bytes) Cataphract and Justinian: The Byzantine Empire re-captures a large portion of the formerly Western Roman Empire.

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gmtcaju.gif (6007 bytes) Devil's Horsemen: The Mogul War Machine in the 13th Century (2004)
The steppe tribe warfare, immortalized by the mighty armies of Genghis Khan and the Mongols. From the Fury of the Tartars, oh Lord, Deliver Us.

gmtz3d.gif (1226 bytes)      groglogo.gif (268 bytes)       VASSAL

gmtcaju.gif (6007 bytes) Here I StandWars of the Reformation 1517-1555. (2006)
Grand strategy game covering the political and religious conflicts of early 16th Century Europe.

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gmtgbsat.gif (6007 bytes) Samurai: Warfare in the Sengoku Jidai (1560-1600), this was the Age of Warring Daimyos, Japan was truly a country at war.

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gmtgbran.gif (6007 bytes) Ran: The highly personal form of warfare developed by the Japanese samurai (1569-1615), where formal battles played out almost as backdrops to individual feats of courage, bravery and devotion much of it outstanding, all of it very Homeric.

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gmt30yw.gif (6007 bytes) Thirty Years War: Europe in Agony 1618-1648. (2001)
Grand strategy game between the Protestant forces and the forces of the Catholics for control over Germany.

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gmtgblnt.gif (7880 bytes) Lion of the North: The Thirty Years' War. Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden,  vs. Tilly's virtually undefeated Catholic army of the Hapsburg empire.

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gmtga.gif (7880 bytes) Gustav Adolf the Great: With God and Victorious Arms (1627-1632). (2006)
The Swedish-style brigades face the tough Polish cavalry, lance equipped winged Husars and Cossacks, the unbeaten Tilly at the head of the allied Catholic League and Imperial armies. Finally, Wallenstein, with a resurgent Imperial army, draws out the Swedes to attack on ground of his choosing.

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gmtsfo.gif (6253 bytes) Sweden Fights On: Four Battles of the Thirty Years War (1634-1645). (2003)
The Swedish king is dead, the Swedes are struggling with their command. Torstenson, Banér and Horn hope they are still able to exploit the momentum the king had generated.

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gmttacw.gif (6537 bytes) This Accursed Civil war: Five Battles of the English Civil War (1642-1645). (2001)
The Royalist army and the army of the Parliament struggle over the issue, "Is the king beholden to Parliament or if he is truly sovereign?"

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gmtww.gif (7880 bytes) Wilderness War: The French & Indian war (1755-1760). (2001)
A two player game that cover the struggle between France and Britain for control over North America. Using strategy cards and point to point map similar to For the People and Path of Glory.

gmtz3d.gif (1226 bytes)      groglogo.gif (268 bytes)      adc.gif (973 bytes)      cb.gif (974 bytes)      VASSAL

gmtprg.gif (7496 bytes) Prussia's Glory: The Battles of Frederick the Great (1757-1760). (2002)
Four of Frederick's most famous actions come to life using a system heavy on nuance but easy on time and space. From Prussian triumphs of Rossbach and Leuthen to the bloody ordeals at Zorndorf and Torgau, players can examine the Seven Year War in games playable in a single evening,

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gmtfc.gif (7496 bytes) Flying Colors: Fleet Actions in The Age of Sail (1756-1805). (2005)
This gamerecreates naval actions during the height of the Age of Sail, from small engagements to full battles involving dozens of ships in each fleet.

gmtz3d.gif (1226 bytes)      groglogo.gif (268 bytes)      adc.gif (973 bytes)      VASSAL

gmtftp2.gif (6862 bytes) For the People: The American Civil War covering the conflict from Texas to Pennsylvania, from the firing on Fort Sumter to the end at Appomattox Court House.

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gmt1863.gif (7090 bytes) 1863: In 1863 you face the challenge of desperate, hard-charging brawls and tense clashes of subtle maneuver in a the four major battles. Gettysburg (July, 1863), Fredericksburg II (May,1863), Brandy Station (June, 1863) and Mine Rune the battle that could have been the greatest battle of the war, but never happened.

groglogo.gif (268 bytes)

gmtpog.gif (5341 bytes) Paths of Glory: They called it the Great War, the War to end all Wars.

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gmtdfrlt.gif (7560 bytes) Rise of the Luftwaffe: Aerial combat over Europe during World War II.

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gmtdf8at.gif (6576 bytes) Eighth Air Force: Aerial combat over Europe continues with the major fighter and bomber aircraft flown by the German, British, Russian and United States air forces.

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gmtnnast.gif (6064 bytes) Arctic Storm: Stalin's powerful Red Army invades the tiny nation of Finland, before the war is over Stalin and the rest of the world have learned their first Finnish word: "sisu," meaning "guts."

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gmtin.gif (6064 bytes) Invasion Norway: As an attempt to secure Norwegian ports for his U-boats and make sure that German freighters could deliver Swedish iron ore from the port of Narvik, Hitler ordered Operation Weseruebung, the invasion of Norway.

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gmtopm.gif (7396 bytes) Operation Mercury: On May 21, 1941 German fallscharmjäger, battlehardened from the invasions of Holland and Norway, spearheaded Hitler's daring assualt on Crete. They where soon locked in lfierce struggle against the multi national defenders. The operation was a German victory, but so costly that Hitler never deployed his paratroops again in a major airborne operation.

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gmtefbst.gif (7047 bytes) Barbarossa: Army Group South, 1941: June -- the German juggernaut rolls over the Soviet Army. Kiev, the first major German objective in the south, did not fall on schedule. In fact, Soviet resistance was so fierce that it required diverting Guderian's Panzer Group.

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gmtefbgc.gif (6241 bytes) Barbarossa: Army Group Center, 1941: June -- Army Group Center hurls itself through the Soviet border defenses, and its two Panzer groups race headlong toward Minsk. Behind them lie the remnants of the Soviet Western Front; almost a million men in four armies.

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gmtefbgn.gif (5946 bytes) Barbarossa: Army Group North, 1941: June -- Army Group North, the smallest of the three German army groups, drives forward into the Baltic states. Its objective is Leningrad once the crown jewel of Czarist Russia.

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gmteftyt.gif (8180 bytes) Typhoon! Drive to Moscow: In the fall of 1941, the German Blitzkrieg was ready for one more final grand effort: The conquest of Moscow.

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gmtuk43.gif (5876 bytes) Ukraine '43: On August 3rd, 1943, less than two weeks after the Kursk offensive, the Soviets launched a massive offensive near Kharkov that ripped open the German line. The ensuing battle began their summer offensive that would take them across the Ukraine to the Dnieper River.

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gmtj6.gif (7878 bytes) June, 6th: The months of training and preparation are over, the Great Crusade begins with the landing of eight Allied infantry and parachute divisions in Normandy. Facing them on the beaches and in the hedgerows are some of the best and worst formations in the German Army.

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gmtabtv.gif (7842 bytes) Air Bridge to Victory: Operation Market-Garden, 1944. (1990)
At 1230 hours, Sunday, September 17, 1944 the U.S. 82nd and 101st Airborne along with the British 1st Airborne launched the greatest military gamble of World War II. The strategic prize was to outflank the German Rhine defense.

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gmtopsb.gif (4819 bytes) Silver Bayonet: The First Team in Vietnam, 1965. (1990)
The newly formed 1st Cavalry Division, meet General Vo Nguyen Giaps North Vietnamese Army Division. The unblooded American soldiers were faced against a tough and well trained foe, a victory would not come easily for the Americans.

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gmtcrsit.gif (6557 bytes) Crisis: Sinai 1973: On October 6, 1973, Egyptian forces, lavishly equipped with the latest Soviet weaponry, launched a surprise attack in overwhelming strength against the 436 Israeli infantrymen and 200 tanks that were guarding the Suez Canal.

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    gmtz3d.gif (1226 bytes)       =    GMT's gamesite

groglogo.gif (268 bytes)   =    Web-Grognards: The Site for Wargames on the Web

    adc.gif (973 bytes)         =    Aide de Camp gameset available to buy from GMT.

    cb.gif (974 bytes)         =    CyberBoard gamebox available


Last update 14 May 2007.

email.gif (28270 bytes)   Christer Karlsson